Philosophy: Intellect
  Academic skills, knowledge, and tools for thinking
Our fundamental goal at Arbor School is to engage children's minds actively within the context of a supportive, stimulating environment. We teach academic skills and content as interrelated disciplines rather than as fragmented lessons.
Thus, basic skills are learned in a meaningful context and become a means for understanding the world, not ends in themselves. Our goals for cultivating intellect encompass three areas: academic skills, knowledge, and the tools for thinking.
  Academic Skills
Literacy: mastery of receptive and expressive language
Mathematics: conceptual understanding and arithmetical competence
Scientific literacy
World/cultural awareness
Visual Arts
  Tools for Thinking
Attend and observe keenly
Recognize relationships, make comparisons
Analyze, synthesize
Interpret, draw inferences
Use inductive and deductive logic
Think critically, evaluate
< philosophy character, creativity >