Gardens-Two gardens, one devoted to raising produce for school use and a local homeless shelter and the other devoted to herbs and flowers, enhance the Arbor environment. They serve as places for each class to plant, tend and harvest small crops, and for the children to wander, to observe, and to muck about in the dirt.
Greenhouse-A donated commercial greenhouse provides opportunities for the cultivation of non-hardy plants, and provides a place to spend time during Oregon's wintry weather planting seeds and observing plant growth patterns.
Animals-Obvious choices on our farm-like setting, the Pygmy goats and resident rabbit serve to connect students more closely to natural cycles.
Rill-A natural gathering place under a large Douglas fir, the Rill provides opportunities for small-scale dam discovery, inquiries into the properties of water, and welcome moments for contemplation and wonder.
Trees at Arbor-Across the Arbor campus several key trees serve as suitable climbing challenges for children and provide natural cover. The trees also serve as seasonal markers that lend themselves to fruit picking, measurement and growth, and sketching opportunities. Small groves of trees become magnets for fort construction and fantasy play. The rhythm of the seasons reflected in these trees further connects students to the campus.
Play space-Arbor's ample outdoor space includes several climbers which offer varying levels of difficulty, a large open space for strolling or games at recess, swings (including a tire swing), and a large sandbox for endless digging and tunneling.
Woods & Creek-Arbor is surrounded by woods and has two creeks running at its edges. This land is an endless source of scientific and expressive inspiration. Restoration of the woods and riparian zones with indigenous species is a major focus of ongoing, school-wide stewardship efforts.
Library-With a new building that opened in January 2006, we house well over 12,000 books. A jewel in the crown, the Arbor Library serves as a cultural and intellectual resource for children, parents, and faculty. Each class uses the Library for individual reading, group story hours, and there is time at every level for research on classroom projects, complementing the literacy-rich curriculum.
Arena-The Arena, a multi-purpose space, accommodates P.E. during the rainiest of days and serves as our community-wide gathering space for theatrical productions, all-school assemblies, and community celebrations.