The Primary-aged child is a natural observer and investigator of the world around her. She is beginning to notice the patterns
and cycles that order her environment. Her inquisitive nature inspires her to open a pea pod and count the seeds or hunt for
caterpillars and imagine its life as a butterfly. As her world unfolds, she learns that there is predictability and order that
can be anticipated and counted on--autumn comes after summer, crocus bulbs bloom in the spring, chickens hatch from eggs. Our
study of seasons and cycles serves to nourish this natural curiosity of the Primary-aged child by providing rich material to
illuminate her natural explorations. The curriculum provides ample hands-on opportunities to question, experiment, explore, and
observe the natural world.
Fall Topics:
The Plant Cycle; Seeds, Roots, and Shoots; Flowers and Fruits; Decomposition;
Seasonal Change; Animals Preparing for Winter
Winter Topics:
What Makes Us Human: Houses Around the World, Human Body Systems, Winter
Spring Topics:
What Comes First: Critter Cycles; Frogs, Butterflies, and Chickens;
Independent Projects
Young children live in the now, and the study of Journeys allows the Primaries to explore a place and time other than here and
now. We learn about amazing journeys of both humans and animals, and a sense of wonder is instilled as we investigate the scale
of nature's designs. Our studies include journeys of the imagination as well as factual historical journeys. Compelling
narratives drive the curriculum as we learn the personal stories of Mayflower passengers and the trials of Odysseus.
Fall Topics:
Sink and Float, Boats, Imaginary Journey, The Journey of the Mayflower
Winter Topics:
Greek Mythology, The Journey of Odysseus, The History of Arbor
Spring Topics:
Migrating Animals, Whales, Independent Projects